Rishi Kothari

A developer and designer from Brampton.



my philosophy.

Programming isn't something that I do for money. It is because it's my passion. Programming, in our world, is a convoluted thing, filled with libraries, frameworks, and all sorts of keyboard trickery. However, at the end of it, there lies a masterful product: one that may change the world, even. That is exactly what appeals to me. The ability to make something revolutionary through something that is incredibly accessible is the greatest thing one can do.
Ideas don't come free. They require hard work, with setbacks all along the way. My job isn't necessarily to create ideas; it can also be to help realize dreams. My job is to bear all the grunt work that is required to put an idea into reality, be it large or small.

I am Rishi Kothari. I am a programmer, who creates products out of dreams.



A foundation for math.

Mathematics as an expression of the human mind reflects the active will, the contemplative reason, and the desire for aesthetic perfection. Its basic elements are logic and intuition, analysis and construction, generality and individuality.

Math, by definition is all about notation. However, notation can be tricky. The Iota foundation makes tools to delete that last sentence.

Currently, we are working on Epsilon, a spec framework for math in programming languages.



A secure, customizable assistant.

Tracking. Control. Convienience.

These are the things that companies use to create products in our world today. And sadly, like meek sheep, we decide to follow them. Trading away our privacy for convienience, and pricing.

Virtual Assistants are everywhere these days.

However, they are littered with proprietary software, and cannot be customized to any degree, other than by actual developers.

Omega is a refreshing change from those assistants. It runs freely on anybody's computer, and is truly customizable, using a moduling system with Cordial.js



A mathematical programming language.

Mathematics and Computer Science were destined to be together. So why aren’t they?
It’s unironically just like a high school drama: two lovers seperated by some human interaction.

Philang’s purpose is to bring those two star-crossed lovers back together.



An alternative to school 'math'

Mathematical beauty is something that must be cherished.

After falling asleep in my freshman math class, I realized that this fact was not being delivered appropriately in our schools.
As a result, I set out to fix that.

Pragmathic is the result of that sentiment.



An assignment tracker.

Hoot is an all-purpose, cross-curriculum assignment tracker.